
Semester Countdown:

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Most Recent Project

No longer will you need to look at IMDB movie scores! Come check out Nick's Flicks Movie Reviews, my newest site, where I post movie reviews and scores. Users can submit their own reviews to be featured on the site! Visit Site

Relevant skills: JavaScript, JQuery, HTML/CSS, SEO

Previous Project

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... a weather balloon carrying the UArizona SEDS payload into near-space! For this project, I worked to design a compact payload to gather data from 100,000 feet of altitude, as well as get some awesome GoPro footage. Read More

Relevant skills: Circuit and PCB design, power delivery, soldering, C++, memory management, I2C and SPI

Also Check Out
weather station

'I wonder what the weather in Tucson is like...' Well, wonder no more! This Arduino-based weather station reports live temperature and relative humidity directly to my website. Read More

Relevant skills: HTTP/HTTPS, MYSQL, PHP, C++, I2C, wiring